
Consists of a variety of initiatives, services and incentives offered by BGE designed to help you conserve energy, save money and protect the environment.

Learn more about BGE Smart Energy Savers Program

The Compressor is the part of an air conditioning system that pumps the refrigerant that transfers the heat and humidity from inside your home to the outside. It makes the cool air.

Cycling refers to the amount of time each hour that the electricity to air conditioning (A/C) compressor or electric hot water heater is adjusted on and off during a PeakRewardsSM event.

BGE is required by PJM, the grid operator for the mid-Atlantic region to activate its PeakRewardsSM program when regional demand for electricity is close to surpassing supply. This type of event is usually called to avoid potential brownouts and rolling blackouts area-wide.

Cycling events will typically occur during the summer months of June through September but can happen during other months throughout the year. Cycling typically occurs Monday-Friday but the actual start time, end time, duration and day of the week of each cycling event varies. The length of a cycling event will depend on the need for BGE to reduce electric demand. It generally begins between 12 pm and 3 pm and could last 7 hours or longer if system reliability requires a longer transition to normal operations.

BGE is unable to predict the number of times it will cycle air conditioners or electric heat pumps each year, nor maximum duration. If an emergency event is called, generally it will last until the situation is averted. Additionally, even after the emergency event ends, there will be a transition period until full operation of your unit is restored. Please make sure that your cycling level still fits the needs of your family in advance of cycling season.

For A/C program participants, your cycling level directly relates to the length of time cooling from your air conditioner will be interrupted during Emergency Events and the credits you receive for participating in the program. You can request to change your cycling level at any time and this change will typically take effect in 24-48 hours but changes may take up to five business days in certain circumstances.

A/C Program Cycling Overview

 How Does Cycling Affect You?Customer BenefitWhat Is the Right Level for You?

Your central air conditioner or heat pump will produce cool air for half of its normal running time during an emergency event.

During Energy Savings Days and emergency events you will be cycled up to 50%

You receive:

  • $50 in annual bill credits – $12.50 for each of the four summer months, June – September

Good choice for those who:

  • are at the home during the day when most event occur
  • can safely tolerate a modest increase in household temperature
 How Does Cycling Affect You?Customer BenefitWhat Is the Right Level for You?

Your central air conditioner or heat pump will produce cool air for only 25% of its normal running time during an emergency event

During Energy Savings Days you will be cycled up to 50%

During Energy Savings Days you will be cycled up to 75%

You receive:

  • $75 in annual bill credits – $18.75 for each of the four summer months, June – September

Good choice for those who:

  • Don’t mind a temperature increase, but don’t want the air conditioner shut off entirely during an event

Not recommended for those who:

  • Have medical/health conditions
  • Are elderly
  • Have chicken or pets at home
  • Stay at home much of the afternoon and early evening
 How Does Cycling Affect You?Customer BenefitWhat Is the Right Level for You?

Your central air conditioner or heat pump is off & no cool air will be produced for the duration of an emergency event, even if the event lasts for multiple hours

During Energy Savings Days you will be cycled up to 50%

During Energy Savings Days you will be cycled up to 100%

You receive:

  • $100 in annual bill credits – $25 for each of the four summer months, June – September

Good choice for those who:

  • Are not home during the day when cycling will typically occur
  • Can either safely tolerate greater temperature impacts, or can make other arrangements to not be home during an emergency event and plan to return once the home cools back to the desired temperature
  • Not recommended for those who:
  • Have medical health conditions
  • Are elderly
  • Have children or pets at home
  • Stay at home much of the day

*A customer moving into a home with an existing PeakRewards device will receive ongoing bill credits for their participation in the program. Credits are subject to change in future years.Terms and Conditions.

Demand response programs are designed to manage customer use of electricity in response to periods of very high electricity demand and/or pricing. Having customers reduce their energy use at critical times or in response to market prices, such as with PeakRewards, benefits you, the community, and the environment. By effectively managing electricity supply, you are helping to avoid building new power plants to meet the growing demand and keeping the price of electricity lower than it otherwise would be.

A Wi-Fi-enabled thermostat that can save you money and help keep your home comfortable. The ecobee3 lite thermostat has features that allow you to program your temperature settings while you are home, asleep or away, saving you up to 15%* on heating and cooling costs year-round. You can also access your thermostat 24/7 from anywhere you have Internet access. It is Wi-Fi-enabled so BGE can cycle your air conditioning compressor off and on for short periods of time, typically in the summer when electricity demand is at its peak.

* Savings vary and 15% is based on an average of $180 savings per year.

Consists of power generation plants and delivery systems including transmission and distribution lines.

The amount of electricity reduced during periods of high usage.

An independent administrative agency within the Executive Branch of State government that regulates public utilities’ services and programs.

A Smart Technology device that receives a Radio Signal to begin the Cycling process, which turns the air conditioning Compressor off and on for short periods of time, typically in the summer when electricity demand is at its peak. It is mounted near your outdoor air conditioning unit, typically on your house.

A customer may override up to two Energy Savings Days per summer; however, a customer may not override an emergency event or the transition out of an emergency event. Additionally, customers may not change cycling levels, nor exit the program during an emergency event and the transition out of this event. When the emergency event ends, BGE will transition all air conditioning program participants to a lower cycling level for a brief period of time to avoid large and sudden increases in electric demand which may cause reliability concerns. Also, if you scheduled an override and an emergency event is called on the day you scheduled your override, the override will be cancelled. An Override can be scheduled in advance or at the beginning of an Energy Savings Day by calling the PeakRewards customer hotline at: 1.888.309.PEAK (7325) or via the web. Click here to learn more about Online Access.

Electricity usage fluctuates constantly due to weather conditions, commercial and industrial business hours and residential electricity usage. During the summer months, demand is usually greater as electricity is used to cool homes and businesses, especially during weekday afternoons. Peak electric demand refers to the point of highest electricity use over a certain period of time. Throughout the day, BGE continually monitors electricity demand to minimize cost and ensure reliable delivery of power.

A voluntary BGE Demand Response program, which offers qualified residential customers who have central air conditioning or electric heat pumps the following benefits:

  • Up to $100 in BGE summer bill credits.
  • A smart thermostat or outdoor air conditioner switch, professionally installed at your home at no out-of-pocket expense (thermostat and installation valued at $290).
  • Participation in the program at a cycling level that suits your lifestyle.
  • Control of your cooling and heating settings even over the Internet.
  • Decrease your carbon footprint by helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions during the hottest days.

Participation in PeakRewards is one way BGE customers can help protect our environment and reduce their carbon footprint by:

  • Reducing the need for additional power generation plants.
  • Reducing the need for additional electric delivery infrastructure such as electric transmission and distribution lines.
  • Easing the burden on Maryland’s electricity delivery system as our state’s population continues to grow.
  • Supporting the state’s EmPOWER Maryland goals.

A Regional Transmission Organization that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the

District of Columbia. PJM’s obligation as a federally regulated RTO means that it acts independently and impartially in monitoring reliability and managing the regional transmission system and the wholesale electricity market.

Refers to the broadcasting communication sent from BGE to the Outdoor Switch, Programmable Thermostat or ecobee Smart Thermostat which periodically interrupts the flow of electricity to the Compressor on your air conditioner or heat pump for a period of time during a PeakRewards Cycling Event.

The Electric Delivery Infrastructure consisting of a network of lines, which supply the electric current coming into your home or business from the generation plants. It is designed to maintain a dynamic balance between the consumer demand for electricity and the amount being supplied by generators.

Technologically advanced load control devices with enhanced communication, which BGE can use during a Cycling Event